A stable experience when using OmniNet hardware depends on a locations ISP to be providing reliable internet connectivity.
A very basic test should yield at most 1% packet loss or less. Ideally, a reliable ISP should yield well below 1% packet loss or none at all during your test window.
Before installing an OBR at a customer location, with no OBR yet inline, the following test should be performed for at least 30 minutes while connected directly to the ISP Modem, or thru an existing wired endpoint. Longer testing is suggested if remote access is available to an onsite endpoint from which to test from.
Using a Windows OS client, perform the following test.
1. Open CMD prompt
2. "Ping -t -l 800" and press enter
3. Allow test to run for the period of time then continue with step 4
4. Control+C
5. Take note of the results and determine if they connection is providing reliable service as well as the average response time
Using a MAC OS client, perform the following test.
1. Open a Terminal session
2. "Ping -s 800" and press enter (okay to ignore "wrong total length" messages)
3. Allow test to run for the period of time then continue with step 4
4. Control+C
5. Take note of the results and determine if they connection is providing reliable service as well as the average response time
Any packet loss between 1-2% or higher should be reviewed further. At 2% or higher, the connection can be considered unreliable and the ISP should be contacted to have the packet loss issue corrected, prior to deploying an OmniNet OBR.
Note: If test was conducted from a downstream network switch, the switch should be bypassed and a second test run to help rule out a problematic or overloaded network switch.